Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Governor Rounds Keynote

Governor Rounds opened his keynote with words of praise and recognition for all of the work to provide students in South Dakota with the best possible learning experiences, including the TIE conference as an opportunity for educators to interact with one another and with cutting edge innovations for effective technology integration.

In this year's Technology Counts report from Education Week, South Dakota received a grade of A for their support and use of technology. The objectives of the 2010 initiative are being met, with an emphasis on 21st C skills.

Technology can help teachers to make learning more engaging. Through the Classroom Connections program, laptops help to bridge the digital divide by providing all students with access. Students, teachers, parents, and community members are also coming together more often to interact with one another, and learn both from one another as well as with one another.

Today's educators in South Dakota are making a difference in the lives of students by preparing them for the global economy.


Sherry Crofut said...

Okay, Kris, I need some help being as clear and concise as you are in your wonderful blogging techniques!

Nice job!

Anonymous said...

While SD may well be leading other states in technology usage in education, we still have a long way to go. By and large, the average teacher does not use technology effectively. Teacher training and support is woeful. Most teachers don't have time to spend learning new technologies, and time is what it takes. Teaching six class in the high school taxes the limited time already, without asking teachers to add a technology component to their classes. With Web 2.0 tools available, the possibilities are limitless. Need technology mentors who are available to help teachers in the classroom on a day to day basis!